Thursday, June 28, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the interview private and confidential?
Yes. The only people who see the interview are the researchers of the project.

2. Where is the interview done?
The interview can be done at a place of your choosing. Many participants prefer to have the interview done in their homes because it is more convenient for them. Others have done interviews in public places such as cafes, restaurants or senior citizen centers.

3. Who does the interview?
We have a team of well-qualified and trained interviewers. They are assigned to cases and call a participant to set up the interview shortly after we receive contact information from the participant.

4. How long does an interview take?
The interviews generally last an hour. However, depending on how much a participant wants to share it can be longer or shorter.

5. What type of information is asked in the interview?
The purpose of the survey is to determine what needs the elderly Irish/Irish American population have and which are not being met. To that end, the interviewer will gather some background information (i.e. age, gender, when did you or your parents move to the U.S.), ask about services that you receive, and services you would like to receive. It is beneficial to the study and the community to answer these questions as they provide us with a better idea of what needs to be done. However, if there is any question you do not wish to answer, you do not have to.

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